I'm blushing today!


I got my second review on a Danish blog today, and the Danes seem to love my debut novel, or at least the first review and this new one both did.

You can read Heidi Holmetoft Hansen's full review here.

The reviewer’s teenage son read the book as well, and she read it aloud for her eight-year-old son. The three of them agree that Doomsayer Prince is not only a world-class novel but that 5/5 stars are almost too modest a rating for it!

You be the judge, but this blushing author is very happy right now. Thank you, Heidi Holmetoft Hansen 🤩

As I’m afraid you can only read the review if you understand Danish, I took the liberty of translating a few key passages:

  • “Nielsen's worldbuilding is just as well thought out and thoroughly established in terms of his detailed descriptions. The details are really meticulous in all environments, for example, the cities have different characteristics. It gives a fantastic depth and the reader can vividly imagine Nielsen's universe.“
    “Nielsen's thorough preparation and the ability to present vivid, detailed descriptions, which do not slow down the pace of the narrative, culminates in a fabulous reading experience. Everything from people to the universe and its magic system seems believable and draws the reader completely in, where you do not "just" read a story, but are completely immersed into another reality.”

  • “The book is aimed primarily at the adult audience. That being said, it's a great fantasy adventure for teens who do well in English.”

  • ”One might fear that 770 pages of closely written work would be too big a mouthful, but that is actually not the case. Neither for parents to read aloud nor for the youths in the audience to keep focus. The narrative grabs and holds its audience in the same way as the Harry Potter series."

  • “My two sons and I agree that 5 stars are almost too little, but still the highest we can give in this forum.“