Name: Phytiax Nazir Pandion
Phonetic pronunciation: /'pɑ:ndi:oʊn, 'pɪti:ɑ:eks nə'zɪə/
Titles: Mage Prince of the Izanti Empire, Omen Master
Age: Twenty-one-year-old
While Mage Prince Phytiax is furthest down the line of succession to his father’s throne he is the first mage to ever gaze more than four hours into the future (when not using an artifact.) This makes him the strongest omen master in the Empire, and perhaps the world.
A master swordsman with the scimitar, and a martial arts expert in both pankration and the secret way of the nerve. His father is the Mage Emperor, but their relationship is troubled, and his mother was killed by an Ata’stux mage killer. She was the daughter of the leader of the Nazir tribe from southern Gaia, and his middle name honors her part of the family.
Read more in the glossary about Apateóno, Izanti Empire, Mage Killer, and Pandion, Jameelah.
Name: Honored Emilai Swan
Phonetic pronunciation: /swɒn, 'mɪleɪ/
Titles: Mage
Age: Twenty-one-year-old
Honored Emilai is a noble girl with a strong will. She is eighteen years of age and betrothed to the rich Baron Gillydam, whom she has never met.
She is the daughter of Sir Addan, a renowned knight of Lyom. Her mother died giving birth to her. Emilai has golden curls, and blue eyes. The Ilvartians consider her a Zhi'el.
Read more in the glossary about Zhi'el and Swan, Addan.
Name: Mage Adept Pino Di Pinto
Phonetic pronunciation: /'di: 'pɪŋtoʊ, 'pi:noʊ/
Titles: Mage
Age: Twenty-one-year-old
The weakest mage in the world. Able to cast spells from all five magical disciplines. Because of his lack of magical strength, he was not allowed to graduate from Vandyldam University as a master. Instead they made him a mage adept. Pino is by some believed to be a direct descendant of the ancient and powerful All-Masters, though his parents were commoners. His five siblings, including his older sister Isal and younger brother Peto, were killed by the rotting plague. His parents died later in a fire. The di Pinto family was well off because of Pino’s father’s horse-trading business, and following university, he found work as a scroll scribe at the Royal Scroll Workshop in Siwton, working for Master Cordin. Pino is tall, slender, good-looking, and has thick chestnut hair reaching to his shoulders. He is nineteen years of age.
Name: Light Master Eflizer Cordin
Phonetic pronunciation: /koʊr'dɪn, f'laɪsɪə/
Titles: Mage
Age: Twenty-one-year-old
This whitehaired Light Master is the owner of the Royal Scroll Workshop. He spends most of his time traveling Lyom, searching for new spells. Master Cordin is a scholar and a teacher, and his memory is extremely good, making him able to remember hundreds of spells at a time, many not even light magic. During his time studying at Vandyldam University, he dreamed of inventing new spells and the wealth this would bring, or of becoming a warmage. He decided his dreams were too dangerous, and never pursued them. Instead, he became an instructor teaching advanced light magic at the University of Vandyldam, where he became one of the youngest advanced magic instructors ever. He quit after the rotting plague claimed his wife Sina, his son Farli, and his father, moving back to his childhood home in the village of Siwton over Delhearth, taking over the family scroll business. He employs Mage Adept Pino di Pinto as his Scroll Scribe and the woodcarvers Toby and Shal. Fifty-three years of age.
Name: Sulycan Don’mall
Titles: Pyramid King of Ilvart, Duke of Don’mall
Age: Thirty-six-year-old
The powerful Ilvartian Pyramid King is tall, pale-skinned, dark-haired, and handsome. Grew up as the son of a rich Ilvartian duke to become the supreme ruler of Ilvart following his daring raid on the former Pyramid King Adgad’s Hall giving him absolute control of the country in a coup.
While today the Ilvartians all respect and fear him as an extremely powerful mage, the young Sulycan displayed no talent for magic whatsoever, and secretly his father feared he would never do so. Once he gained magic in some mysterious way he began to pretend to wear a gray robe, as is traditional for an Ilvartian Warmage of Death but he is in fact a so-called All-Master, a secret only known to the loyal members of the Ilvartian army, mages who’ll gladly follow the charismatic Pyramid King to the ends of the world.
Other Important Characters
Light Master and Inventor Dritmar Sierl
Lady and Zhi’el Milou Govent
Lady and Zhi’el Celine Delhearth