As a fantasy writer, I’m always on the lookout for new great fantasy and sci-fi art, preferably the non-expensive kinds. Maybe you read my recent article about how to use the great Midjourney AI? You should.
To generate AI art you just type in a description and the AI does the rest. Like this…
“Robot hand drawing a robot hand.”
Image by DALL·E 2.
“Pikachu wearing a cape”
As created with DALL·E 2.
You’d like to try it?
OK, I’ll show you how to sign up for the DALL·E 2 beta. They’ll let in 1 million users over the coming weeks! Also, I’ll show you how you can try the Midjourney AI today (it’s awesome and will be updated soon to an even better version.)
But first, a few examples of the stuff others and I create with Midjourney…
Click on the images to see larger versions.
Yes, Midjourney is pretty sweet.
If you’d like to, support me in creating articles and interviews by buying one of my books.
To get into the DALL·E 2 beta go here. See how to sign up for the Midjourey beta and how to use it right away.
Understanding AI
If you want to know more watch these:
OpenAI DALL·E 2 - Top 10 Best Images (the Two-minute papers channel is worth subscribing to. I love listening to his voice.)
What about AIs that do text to video?
There are AIs that do text-to-video and some use the image AIs to stitch together animations.
Matt takes you through some video AIs
(subscribe to Matt’s channel, it’s fun.)
Rather rudimentary for sure, but I have no doubt that eventually, we’ll get a genuine text-to-cinema-movie AI.
Other cool stuff to check out
The rabbit hole runs very deep on this topic. Here are places for you to check out if you’d like to create fun or spectacular art or enhance your own images:
More stunning art as well as food for thought:
Is this a bad thing? (an artist’s perspective)
Click on the images to see larger versions.
Thanks to everyone whose images I used above.
And to Midjourney.