I was lucky to get an interview with Thiago Abdalla, the author of A Touch of Light, and one of this year’s #SPFBO8 semifinalists.
Please, tell us a bit about yourself…
I’m Brazilian but studied English since I was very small, so I guess you could say I learned both English and Portuguese as native languages. I still live in Brazil.
“FIND AN EDITOR. I cannot stress this enough. ”
What was the first thought that popped into your mind when you found out you had made it to the semifinals?
I had just woken up after a night of very little sleep since we have a 1-month-old baby and it took me some time to process it, so I guess the first thought was… coffee?
Once my brain was working there were too many thoughts to process, I was super happy and overwhelmed. It’s a crazy feeling to have your debut be picked as a semi-finalist!
Why did you decide to take part in the SPFBO?
It’s an amazing competition that can really help get eyes on your book. I’m also looking forward to connecting with new authors
Aside from your SPFBO8 book getting the stamp of approval by being in the semifinals, why should I buy it?
It’s unique. It has griffins, action, magic, politics and religious intrigue. It’ll make you think and come up with theories long after you’ve finished reading. If that’s the kind of thing you enjoy, pick it up!
What got you into writing? And how long have you been doing it?
I’ve always been engrossed in fantasy, be it games, books, series or movies. I have had the idea of writing a book at the back of my mind and decided to pull the trigger when my wife got pregnant two years ago.
This is my first book, so haven’t been doing this for long.
Why did you choose to write fantasy? And why pick this particular fantasy subgenre?
Fantasy has been a part of my life since I can remember. It was a natural place to go when writing a book. All my favorite stories are fantasy and I picked it because I feel comfortable telling stories within the genre.
Which other author has had the biggest influence on your writing?
Mark Lawrence, and this is part of why SPFBO means so much to me. I think Red Sister in particular had a very big influence on the way I write, especially the prose.
What’s the best thing about being a writer?
Having people reach out to you with theories or just really enjoying your work. It’s a surreal feeling and so fun!
What’s the hardest thing about being a writer?
Keeping a consistent writing routine and finding time to keep going is probably the biggest challenge. Finding balance is hard.
How do I get into the semifinals? Just kidding! No seriously, might you be willing to share a tip, a scrap of wisdom, or perhaps an app, tool, or resource that you can really recommend to authors?
Oh, man, I could go on for pages on this. My approach was to treat it like a college degree. I searched for every bit of wisdom I could find in craft books, YouTube videos, author interviews, chatting with other people etc. and defined the pillars of what I needed to study. I created a foundation to give me enough confidence in my writing before starting to write and I think having that process pre-established is what made all the difference.
For new writers, I’d say just keep grinding. FIND AN EDITOR. I cannot stress this enough. Listen to them, learn from them. It’s the best path to getting better. It’s super easy to say “I can edit myself.” Don’t fall into that trap. Believe me, having help from someone who does this all day will elevate your writing and your story. If you only have money for one thing, pick editing. It isn’t close. (Ok, covers are a close second, but editing still wins)
I’m very simple as far as the tools of the trade. I just use MS Word and add a ton of comments of what I need to fix as I draft.
What new projects are you working on?
I’m currently wrapping up A Shade of Madness, book 2 in the Ashes of Avarin Series, then I’ll move straight on to book 3, A Twist of Faith!
Anything else you would like to say before we close?
Thank you for doing this interview and for all your wisdom regarding AI. It’s really helped me visualize some scenes as well as get inspiration for others!
I was happy to help, congratulations on the semi-finalist spot, and best of luck in the competition, Thiago. I hope you’ll create many more beautiful griffin images (I loved the fire/dawn one you and the AI did.)
Thanks for doing the interview!