How to update your eBook to the latest version

Amazon makes it possible for readers to update their eBooks to the latest versions by pushing the latest version directly to their device.

If I find issues (like a general formatting issue with the headlines or missing words) and it is something I can fix, I will update the eBook file. However, if you bought it previously, YOU will have to deliver this updated file to your eBook reader.

Access your account

1) Go to

2) Click Accounts & Lists (on some devices you will have to click it twice)


Find your eBook reader

3) Click Your devices and content


Manage it

4) Click Manage digital content


Locate the novel

5) Scroll down in the list till you find the novel to update


8) Click on the … (next to Doomsayer Prince or another eBook)

9) Click Others (to chose all your devices in one go)

Select a novel to update


10) Click the arrow(s)

11) Select one or more devices to update

12) Click Deliver

Deliver to


Make sure your device is connected to the internet, so Amazon can update the novel on your device.